In the history of Call of Cthulhu from Chaosium, a few milestones have changed the history of our hobby. One of them is The Masks of Nyarlathotep. As many say, the BEST WRITTEN CTHULHU CAMPAIGN EVER, and judges on many contests have agreed. The newest slipcase book set for the 7th Edition has been released, and the Masks are enormous this time. The improper 666 pages make an impression.
We in Q WORKSHOP support this legendary campaign with a dedicated set of dice. Dice from the best material are beige with red paintings in complexly carved engravings that resemble the innocent blood of fallen Investigators who have died since 1984, the first Edition of Masks. On the highest face are symbols of Nyarlathotep that you have never seen. First time in history, you can see the sigil, not of one of the avatars but three-legged Old One himself in his majestic and blasphemous glory. Only proper dice can save the team from the wrath of the Nyarlathotep. You have been warned!
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